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Saturday night April 13, 1901

My Dear Mother

I am sending home in this mail some more drawings done in the Louvre—and out of doors. Those done in the Louvre are from the works of old masters. The outdoor sketches were done by the River two are good.

The Luxembourg is open and crowded with people. Every six months the government changes the show.  The one now on is exceptionally fine.  Each morning after breakfast I step in there. You know that at present I live very near the gardens.  The exhibition is more instructive I think than the Louvre, it's more useful for painters being more modern.  The Frenchmen are finished workmen. Ribot's[[Theodule Augustin Ribot?]], Henner's [[Jean-Jacques Henner?]] (and he is a splendid painter) Durans[[Charles Auguste Émile Durand, known as Carolus-Duran?]], Manet's, Latouchs[[Gaston La Touche, or de La Touche?]], Messoniers, and many others.

Transcription Notes:
This is my first transcription. Please let me know whether my comments on the artists were appropriate. Thank you.