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After having been out Sunday till 3.A.M., Monday to the opera, & Tuesday to Wannsee I stopped & stayed at home until yesterday when I went to Uncle Arthur's to dinner & later to the Schiller Theatre to a performance of summer-opera, which was fairly good.

I had made up my mind to swear off going to the opera, but this week Tristan & Isolde & Das Rheingold are announced, & I fear I am lost.

One of the students asked me on the Wannsee trip whether I was a genuine American.  He said that the name Robert & also Loring sounded both German & that when they looked over the list of theological student names they felt sure that I was a German-American.  You will have to ask Aunt Delia whether she ever before realized that she was by descent Deutsch.  Possibly it was because of my German name that I was invited, the they have had Americans in the A.T.U. before this.

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Will you please always inc [[include]] the new stamps & also send me a few extra cancelled stamps. I find people here who would like them. Perhaps Miss Cushman in the office would gather up a few ones, there, or then for me. 

I am rather inclined to go up the Rhine, perhaps then to Munich & then onto Switzerland & then to Paris to live with Will for a month in his studio. The car fare in summer is not expensive. I could go to Verona, Italy, & return, 3rd class, for less than $20. Will says that during Lent he can go to Rome & back for $14. If I go up the Rhine & then to Paris do you want Will to go with me? He cannot get to his studio until the middle of August, & a little later than that we, or at least he, could be in Paris again. 

Yours with love