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Monday, Oct 7.

My dear Mother.

I am writing this letter in the restaurant where Rob and I always ate. The men here are of the older set and very helpful. My condition is not really not so meagre as you suppose - I am not wearing the livery of the poor. Am not meagre bony nor discouraged. 

Homer's wedding I am disappointed in not seeing. Give them both an embrace for me, and my best wishes for thire [[their]] future.
Their picture is still being worked on, and I am compelled to say that it will not arrive until the last of November. It is now being given warmer color under the tuition of M. Walden the noted landscape painter who found much fault with the lighting of the work. It was too cold. Shall be able to forward by [[strikethrough]] September [[/Strike through]] November 10 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewer: edits made, ready to Complete