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Rouack a literary man. Another was a fine Londoner called Murray. His father is a Doctor - Another was Bell and the other was Kock - of Boston - They all admired the subject of the new picture. 

I wish you all a Merry Xmass [[Xmas]] - and a Happy New Year - 

Would I like to return home in July I feel that I should die of homesickness to wait longer. I want to pay you a visit. And I shall perhaps just after the Salon opens - in May, or June.   I came very near to stealing a march, and going to Homer's wedding, but with "Mc" and work, I remained - 

My studio has become popular to a few good fellows, and we spend fine evenings in it. It [[It's]] perhaps the best in the Quarter in space furnishing, and [[triple underscore]] work [[/triple underscore]] - 

I was glad to hear from Bess and tell her to keep exercising. 

Hope tells me Helen was about the finest looking girl at the wedding. We [[strikethrough]] alw [[/strikethrough]] always did look alike - 

With love
- William -

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I shall write and let you know the outcome on Thursday of the picture deal - 

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Transcription Notes:
Reviewer: edits made, ready to Complete