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Feb. 23, 1902

My dear mother-

Walden has been coming often. He is showing me how to get a golden glow thro' my work. It of course compels me to paint everything over again. But I have time.

I shall forward my one best thing to Berlin tomorrow. Altho' I should like to paint on it a bit before-hand.

I played ball last Saturday in the Bois. Only four men went out. The winter here has been a fine one. Have seldom had to use an umbrella. It is an improvement on Boston. I dread the thought of Boston. Its painters and smallness in art matters compared to the countries that look up to the art of today and her servants the artists. Vedder has returned to Rome and after two weeks with his father he returns to New York and will set out his shingle. A number of chaps are to go home this summer. A Parker son of Parke House Boston, has returned from Munich. He went home to Boston on a visit last summer and felt that he could not stay there. He knew well Frank Masters. He draws and paints well.

Am just writing to Robert, and

Transcription Notes:
Reviewer: made edits, ready to Complete.