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I went to the Russian Church last Sunday with Miss Chamberlain.  It was the nearest to perfection, the most revering music I ever heard - All vocal no instruments - and in some of the chants there were eight parts - [[strikethrough]] It [[/strikethrough]] In the Russian church there are no seats, all stand or kneel; rather tiresome - I can tell you it is an improvement artistically in any other church service I have ever attended — I sketched a dining table for Mrs. Ford yesterday, and you ought to have one like it. Mrs F is going to buy it - An old oak Brittany piece of furniture.

I also went with Mrs. C. to the Temple - and bought two rugs. and a costume  We have been to a concert together.  Mr. C- is making a "bike" trip thro' France with Miss Sanger. (Mrs C'- sister.

You ask me what I should consider the best plan for my advancement next year.  I want to study drawing one more year.  It is my weak point. Most people like my color - but I know before I take orders I must improve in my proportions, and general construction

If Father could afford to give me one more year say $800 dollars I would be better fitted to successfully fill orders for portraits than I am now.  I have changed