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or shall pack what I can to ship home and sell the rest? I have subletted my studio for the summer for 150 francs. 
Shall I return or not – as I can only receive one answer to this letter before leaving please let me know. I want to go home for good if you think it right, and what [[want]] to stay if it will not stint those at home. Couldn't Homer lend me for one year – three hundred dollars. Rob told me he was doing well, and he may be willing to do that if I pay interest – Ahem. My row is [image] not an easy one to hoe.
What a hard, impractical life, and yet beautiful, one, to be a student of nature. 
I see the future. Not much cake and many bruises.
Last week I received your kindness $100 one hundred dollars and after paying rent and material bill, and coal bill, also meals, have only forty francs left. I should be grateful if you would forward at once Aprils allowance, and as I am going to London in May should like to have May's allowance by the 5th.
I shall buy my own passage and not trouble you to buy passage on that side.