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Mar 28, 1902
My dear Mother -
The Luxembourge Galerie has opened, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] after being closed for some five weeks. Now one of the small rooms are full of American and English works, a fine showing they make - Whistler's Mother Sargent's Dancer - Lavery's little girl and works by Walden Ben Foster - Humphrey Johnson Harrison, Homer, Gay, and Gari Melchers. It is a fine instructive show - Whistler's work did impress me. It is dignified, and one feels that they who can paint mothers in that way have great appreciation of those qualities that make life beautiful - Sargents work I don't like so much. It is thin and not in the same class with his recent work. I have been painting up the river again this spring - go every day - 
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am growing fatter. You would hardly know me. Double chin, and general roundness which reminds me of Uncle Robert. A young deformed New York fellow named Stringham has been staying with me for a week. He has sailed around the world and seen many hard knocks in life. He was stranded here but left last night for America. If he could have remained longer we had talked of crossing together from Liverpool to Boston on a Sailing Ship. I should like to have had a months painting at sea.
You may expect to see me at home by the twentieth of June.
Young Stone another London friend of mine is over here

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Transcription Notes:
Reviewer: made edits, ready to Complete