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If the St. Louis Committe should call before the arrival of my Salon work simply tell them to wait.  I think it important to have the portrait of Mr. Stall also looked at. Those are the only two at present of the pictures in America that I care to send.  I received a fine notice of the Salon picture from a Monte Carlo newspaper. I enclosed it.

This summers work ought to be productive of something individual and I shall try to send two more pictures from here to St. Louis

I am writing the manager of the exhibition not to over look my name when the Paris committe meets here.  I am told that the show is in the hands of a clique here that always shuts young men out so I am through Mr. Fords name trying to pull a string

This is a horrid pen.

[[left margin]]
The [[Grandages??]] leave today for London.  I am well and have good courage.  With love to Helen and Bess and all I remain - Yours - William.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewer: edits made, removed corrected spelling, added margin bracket, ready to Complete.