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to exhibit this year in Pittsburg [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] on account of alterations to the gallery

It may be possible to send the portrait of Mr. S. to Pittsburg.  I will look that up - I will instruct you as to that later.  My painting has certainly improved this year.  And I feel stronger and more capable of expressing myself—

My picture that interests me most I want to express in it great differences of character - something that will arrest ones attention

I enjoy the reading of the Transcripts  I am convinced that painters are not up in the study of expression and facial anatomy.  Have you ever thought on seeing an exhibit - in the sameness in regards the expression, all stolidly stupid.  Even the old masters seldom varied their types in this way.  Reproductions of the expression of joy - saddens - love  loneliness &c. &c. are seldom portrayed in a masterly fashion always you find these things 


My work I want to display feeling and insight - and laboured - not well seen— a good knowledge of the subject. I shall have two fine pictures of children here tomorrow

Transcription Notes:
on first line, it is not clear whether "but" is a strikethrough or not.