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Nov. 28 - 1903.

My dear Mother.

I have repainted my Salon picture and it is a great improvement. The work was done in six days of forced labor.
The only time I [[was?]] [[...j?]] this time, on earth was on hearing of your accident. How did it happen that the supposed steady horse should behave that way
I hope your injury is not troubling you still. It seems difficult to think or believe it as possible. The news as you can imagine was a painful shock to me.
Each night this week I have gone to bed at nine oc'lock
Was invited to the Fords to Thanksgiving but found it impossible to leave my work.
On three days last week I had six models posing at one time. It is extremely difficult to find subjects

Transcription Notes:
words in crease indiscernable Reviewer: made edits, unable to discern either, ready to Complete.