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Dear Mother, 

You tell Dr. L. that in a year or so I shall make the name of Loring begin to take a different plane.  That in time people with middle names of Loring will put it in full, and that it will be of more than Boston prominence.  Also as to what "I should do in case anything should happen to Father-" Will you kindly tell him in February, and show him the letter, in which I shall be thanking Father for his kindness, but only [[strikethrough]] needing a fraction of his usual large allowance.  I return the rest.  This is going to happen thro' large black and white work I am doing.  

I am to receive an order to make a full page illustration of a balcony full of children who are at the noted Xmass Pantomimes.

One editor whom I met at the Club the other night said "Mr. Loring I never saw childhood so well rendered from all points of view as you do it in your oils - If you made a specialty of filling a great need here of making for the weekly papers illustrations of the many children entertainments etc. you would find your time full up."  Now it is a quick way of coming before the public and I am going to do it.  It is advertising for oneself, but being paid for it.  In this country the illustrators name is printed in large type under the subject.  I am going to succeed.  Having been dependant [[dependent]] a long time I am desirous