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Mar. 22.

My dear Mother,

Some of these days I hope to see that little Elizabeth, but photo arrived today and I should think she was a boy she is so strong and healthy. I envy Homer in his being Father of a 'kid' thats what they call 'em here. Working? well just a bit. 
Mrs. Hamlin gets here at seven thirty now for it is a fine light, and will [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] start work early like this all summer. The early morning light here is splendid. Working from eight to twelve then lunch and saving an hour early in the day allows me to knock off at three or four to go to teas etc. I went to the Fords and also called again on the Murry's last week. Murry's settling in London next year and this summer will open up a high circle of friends and a number of connoisseurs of Art, will be on my calling list. He will be over here in June.
I am sending a poor photo of my little reception room, and shall send you others later. My Academy work is just about ready and I am only thinking and varnishing retouching them etc. I wish I could learn

[[margin]] Please excuse paint stains and blots of ink I am tired and [[hurried?]] for this mail.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewer: edits made, ready to Complete.