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90 rue d.'Assas Octobre 2 1902.

Dear Bess-

I have at last settled in a studio.  It is not my permanent abode for next year the [[strikethrough]] F [[/strikethrough]] first of January I move down stairs into a garden studio. A little, but ideal spot for a painter. An establishment that I have to be able another year to keep [[mine?]] alone. My study of children has not advanced very far as yet.  Have only picked out some of the most interesting models, and talked with several of the professors regarding the best way of starting. Their hints have been most valuable -  To become a master of children one must do some thorough work. To paint babies it is [[strikethrough]] necess [[/strikethrough]] important to obtain a perfect knowledge of full poses and attitudes. Then one can reproduce on canvas easily the most charming phases of life. The professors have suggested one fine point that of buying casts of children’s heads draw them in all positions. Plan out your compositions and then the infants [[strikethough]] use [[/strikethough]] in real life are only [[strikethough]] ned [[/strikethough]] needed to assist your color - This is not very interesting to you so will switch off -  There are several boarders who eat at the same pension, - a mother and young [[strikethough]] dsughr [[/strikethough]] daughter - The young are in collecting stamps and would like very much to correspond with you on postal cards. I have given them your address. So save any stamps that are not the ordinary 5c ones and accept this [[strikethough]] oppur [[/strikethough]] opportunity to improve your French.  The family return tomorrow [[strikethough]] f [[/strikethough]] to Toulouse the South of France -

People seem to like my portrait of Jack Spaulding - How do you like the literary qualities of the foreign notes of the [[?]] [[?]]. Please give my love to all 