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Find ’Will’ looking the same as usual. If the scales are right he has gained three or four pounds since leaving the pension. He often has spots on his clothes and the attention attracted by his new 85 fr [[francs]] suit of clothes, - which we bought together - has made him feel that he sometimes is careless, at least while in the quarter of the city, about dressing.
Went shopping with Will again today. Bought a table, for 6 fr. on which he could serve tea, a cover for it at a “Bon Marche” bargain sail [[sale]] for another 6fr, and a rug for the floor,-which so far is entirely bare;- for $7. It is ‘large & fine.’ Now we want a tea-pot & lamp, but so far have not found a cheap one. I should think we have asked for one at twenty second-hand stores. I think the skectes [[sketches]] before I leave will be about furnished, & will look very pretty, tho Will still needs needs a good lamp to read by, & perhaps one more chair.

The picture for Homer is about finished. Will rather hates to part with it because he would like to keep touching it up [[so?]] under. He has gone out to buy a bronze frame, as he did not like to give it without. He hopes to be able to ship it Oct. 1st, so that it can be shown at the wedding; but making

Transcription Notes:
"Pensioin": a boarding house in France and other European countries