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Arl. Wed. 22/8/51

Dear Doris:  We had some rain last night & today was much more comfortable.  60 degrees predicted tonight.  Doris watered the tomatoes this afternoon and I applied Vigora to them later - Before I forget, - be sure to get the thing to Miss Deichmann, and if she knows it, ask her to send me the name and the region where it occurs.  I suspect it comes from Japan.  Have 2 more letters about it on the desk now.  I will ask Jess about chestnuts for her.  Had the toilet tank & faucet fixed today.  The former went perfectly.  Leave my car to get it repaired tomorrow.  Erlanson had a $223 accident to his on a slippery pavement.  The news about Kintis is good indeed, but it sounds like a big job for one man.  Love SLB