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Stoughton, Mass 9 June '50

Dear Sid:
Your letter reached us Fri. PM.- very glad to get it. The shirt & postcard are still to come. I went to Cambridge Wed. and spent most of the day there, Doris coming over to lunch with me & Miss Bryant. Begnant asked of you. 

It has been hot as Wash D.C. 90+ for 3 days. I have been working hard - gone over my proof 5 times, have it still but will return it soon. Have done a big wash of bedding etc. and cleaned up the house in spots, and mowed all about the house with lawn mower and scythe. Doris can do the old place. 

Saw Pete downtown & mentioned your request. He said "Those Drake girls watch the place like hawks, no need to worry."

Rob Swan in the P.O. asked if you arrived safe, and said he was afraid of flying. Teddy Daly came up yesterday and wanted to hear about it, and asked me to bring him a souvenir from over there.

Hear the phoebe around still, and heard the grackles down back of Winslow's when I went downtown. The golden robins are around the house & cat birds & song sparrows nesting in the shrubbery. My seeds that I planted after you left Sunday are already sprouting.

Had a letter from Esteban (all in Spanish). He wrote as best I could make out that some Argentine botanist would be at Stockholm. Will bring his note along.

Ma brought out an insurance policy that expired May 20 on the [[?]] place and I went down and gave them a check for $17.60 for it this P.M.

Have moved down on the porch nights - I hope you have comfortable quarters. Have had a "Travel Diary" as a present sent by Miss Colcord, - she wrote she was sending D one too. She said Fred came over & played Canasta one night with her and Miss Hawkes.

I expect Doris out after her exam tomorrow. Have laid in some shrimp, beans & squash and a can of tuna - (cold stuff for this weather) for the weekend, and saved the apples for her to fill up on. She said her class night was the 20th and I think we can arrange that she go and then take the midnight train to N.Y.

Well - hope all is working out well for you and you have good quarters and can get your work done.
Love - Doris.