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290 Walnut St Stoughton
7 June 1950

Dear Sid: Your letter came today from NY. I have just the slips in your little house, written to Lena about Doris' yarn (I wrote Mon.) and will get you Doris' pictures + mine + send soon and have already my sewing kit. I haven't seen Pete and may not, but will leave note of the Cousins, ok, with Ma.

Today I spent at the M.C.Z. lunching with Miss Bryant + Doris.  Doris didn't get a word in edgewise with Miss. Bryant's talk; but I saw her for a bit afterwards and she said she was studying for the last exam on Sat. I hope she can go to her class night. She thinks it comes the 20th - and we could go on directly after to N.Y, I feel she ought to have some little part of her graduation.

  Darlington was there and Beqnaut, - both asking about you. I spent the whole forenoon looking up to see exactly what types + material was in the Brurditch coll. Of the things I am most interested in, so not to waste time at the Brit. Museum.

  I have worked over my per of 3 1/2 (1/2 of the 4th times) and will get it off tomorrow or Friday. Besides doing a lot about the place. There is quite enough to keep me busy all the while. Doris will come Sat + said she would do all the mowing with the new scythe.  I tended to the Bruce bill. Your moorne tax bill was forwarded from [{Washington?]]$32 - but you had sent off yours about the same time. I will keep the receipt part and send back their other card with a note you have already sent it and refer them to it. 

  There is one sad thing to tell, - Sophy wrote me that Barber died in his sleep the Thurs. night on which we reached Stoughton. She wrote that the museum folks were all terribly shocked. Arnett told me today how it hit all of them dreadfully. He had had a pain in his chest that day, had gone home to supper, passed the evening reading with his sister, then had gone to bed, - and never waked up, - a good way to pass out but a great shock to others. Arnett said that no one can be appointed to fill his place - under the new ruling that no vacancies be filled .

  I hope all is well with you. Am eagerly awaiting word. Just a month ago tomorrow we had that class picnic at Plumm Is. 

Love - Doris