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11 Aug. '49

Dear Folks:

I hope Doris is over her cold. She would sweat it off here, tho after 2 98-100° days it is a mere 92° today and the wind is beginning to blow faintly from the east and it is thundering! Painted the front & side steps and bulkhead and around the sink from left-over paint. Ma has been sewing on comforter all day. She hasn't much appetite - or there isn't much left to eat, and I must go to village tomorrow - so I got 4 (5 ¢ers) ice cream cones for dessert tonight. It was worth it to see her with a cone in each hand, first licking one, then the other! She was thoroughly happy. Have washed out Ma's winter clothes and lots of things - grand weather for that. Have only 1 tomato left, they were so good. Hope you are keeping up with them there - take them for lunch.


Transcription Notes:
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