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away, and after the Scandin. affair, when we got home 10-11 PM. Doris went to a dance next house, a Jolly-up," and didn't get in till past 1. Dr. Tisca says she is in excellent health, not to worry about her bodily condition; and I know she always sleeps the next day. She did all the Sat forenoon while I was at the Museum & almost missed meeting me in time to go out to Dr. Myerson's house. She said, "I don't think I need to go to him again, I'm feeling all right" as we went. She was her usual cheerful self there, ready to laugh, quite unlike the woeful girl of Wed. and when I told him before her interview that I had stayed in last night & discovered one thing,- I told how all her house mates were studying "social relations", psychology, etc. and all interested in "problems" and seeing her as one, had all put their microscopes on her problems and she had gotten out her own little microscope and was looking at her own fearful problems. She even laughed with us. After her interview, he told me in private that he had been getting her over the notion he was a man, and to regarding him just as a sympathetic person and he got her confidence and she talked freely to him. Today he had used the argument that some folks were naturally talkers and the others listeners. He had 2 sons, one just like him would talk till the cows came home, the other never said anything. She could develop herself into a good listener. Then he had concentrated on improvement of mother & daughter relations and told her that while they were children, all the current flowed from the mother to the child, but there came a period when the current changed, then it was from the child to the mother, that she must take care of us, not be so critical of us, and so on. He sees perfectly how warped she had gotten in her little notions. He said he couldn't do everything at once; but to give her these ideas gradually & let it sink in, gradually. She was awfully awkward, as usual;