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getting on his galoshes afterwards.- I had put mine rapidly & easily - and she was falling all over herself, so he said, "Sit down and put them on" and looked at me with a twinkle. And she had worn her new long skirt & taffeta petticoat - "the new look" he had commented, to her, she said, and doubtless has twinkled to himself. She is so funny and childish. He must have enjoyed her! He said to come again next Sat. I told him I was staying over. "Good" he said. So I think we have the situation in hand. I have great confidence in Dr. Tisca's understanding & in Myersons & my years of experience in dealing with folks, and in Doris in letting her mind finally rule her emotions, but she has got to get some pretty basic notions into that mind. One being to see someone else besides her self centered little self, and to be generous and sweet and thoughtful of others. We have poured out to her and she has never thought of needing any return. I am appalled by some of her ideas in regard to such relations. I can't do anything, I am too close. It needs Dr. Tisca and Dr. Myerson to straighten her out. I don't know what he will change, but I guess it is necessary. It is a boil, at the critical point, that needs lancing and the pus poisoning her system, to be squeezed out. She has to be put in a healthy frame of mind. You know her pigheadedness when we try. But they can do it, I feel certain. She won't be happy until she is on a sane footing. She is a neurotic now, but nothing fundamentally wrong. To keep her from developing into a chronic one is the great need. She hasn't been able to study with this inner conflict blocking her mind. She told me that her mind is clear now, she learnt 50 lines of Shakspere [[Shakespeare]] before class, etc. She isn't afraid