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collection and pulled out a lot of S.A. Myochrous, and one beautiful new species that Darlington got in Colombia -- it is a fine thing. I told Werner I would call it darlingtoni He is a nice chap - he saw me coming to meet Doris at the Biol. Bldg. and I was looking all around and an up-stairs window opened & he called down to ask if he could help me, and came down then and showed me Weston's room, and talked till Doris showed up.  He has told all his affairs, confided how he is going to get married this summer & go collecting as far south as Mexico City and she is a botanist. After he gets his degree he has a 2 year job in Java in a Shangli la valley up 4000 ft where no one has ever been & he & others are being financed by the Dutch to go in and make scientific explorations & then write them up. Darlington gets back the 1st of April. I lunch with Miss Bryant & Miss Deichmann and we have such a nice time. I really am enjoying myself in spite of Doris' affair, but feel now that she is going along finely, and she is very happy, I think, to have me stay in spite of her feelings against me. I do represent a certain security to her, and maybe her faith in me is not too deeply shaken. Anyhow we went fairly hooting down the street yesterday as I related how I had fallen down that A.M. ad a young chap had rushed up to help me and fallen in a great heap beside me, so our legs were all in the air, then he handed me up and brushed me all off and stuck my hat on my head-- I made it out as funny as I could, and she roared-- so I think my presence is doing her a little good. She wants me to stay anyhow and I think I better. I am worried of course, lest you