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Stoughton Mass
7 Sept 1947

Dear Sid:

It seems an age since I have written to you. I suppose you are working today in the N Y Botanic Garden library, if you have access to it on a Sunday. I hope you have decent living quarters fairly near.

Doris has gone over to Brockton Fair this afternoon with Norma and her family, and I am sitting out in the back yard facing the woodpile. It is very muggy now that the sun has come out, and I am hankering for a swim but dreading a long ride down to Harris Pond to get it. I wish someone would take me down in a car. It must have been hot Fri. & Sat where you were. Here the sky was over cast until noon with a heavy mistiness that kept us cool.

We have ceased our very strenuous work. Doris hasn't done much on the woodpile, but is in hopes to have what you left for her split by the time you come. She has about finished the Italian grammar too. We have been pretty well occupied in getting her clothes ready, - letting down hems, cleaning and pressing. I think she is pretty well fixed up for the winter now, but she wants one more dress. She had the cleaner clean her blue raincoat & put on something to make it waterproof, which cost $1.

The pears are just about gone. It is too bad you couldn't have had a taste. We haven't