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preserved any this year, but given away some, mostly dealing them out to the children next door. I am going  to let Doris finish the page. I hope to have a card from you tomorrow that you have arrived in New York safely.


Dear Dad,

Mother did go swimming -- by herself. Brockton Fair was much the same as usual, tho' all prices were upped and side shows were not so numerous. I took Cynthia by the hand, Mr. Lainey [[strikethrough]] Cookie [[/strikethrough]] Gerry, and Norma Cookie by the ear, and we went straggling through the smelly cattlehouses, the two barns for snaring rabbits and open-beaked & misirable roosters (][underlined]] was [[/underlined]] it hot); [[strikethrough]] veered [[/strikethrough]] tacked from Gerry's yell [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] at [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] Indian doll counter to Cyn's bowl - at hours through the food & industry place, ate hot-dogs, then abandoned them to the little cars, swings, & merry-go-round. Norma & I did then one eminently foolish thing: got on adult swing ourselves. We were the only occupants. The operators did to us what they could never have gotten away laughing with from a full seating: kept us in dizzy circles 20' above the earth for at least fifteen minutes. How the grinned when we green and tattering, hurried behind the nearest parked truck. We went home pretty soon after that. Italians & Lithuanians are not easily recognizable, except in few outstanding cases. Goodnight now
