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We may go to Boston once more before you come home as Doris wants to get material to make herself a new skirt. She has yet to pick out a winter coat, but won't till in September. Still things musn't pile up too much at the end and it would be well to have the sewing done. 

You forwarded a letter from her "senior sister" at Radcliffe, only she is a Junior, who is assigned to orient her and answer her questions and see to her during the first critical days. Doris answered her with a volley, but she was delighted.

I must tend to my dinner. We are still having tomatoes from Virginia.


P.M. We have been cutting grass again. Beatrice Monk called up to ask me to dine at the college club (Boston) next Sat. with her and meet Wallace Penniman's oldest girl Ruth, whom I have never met, a 2nd cousin.