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Stoughton Mass
Labor Day 1945

Dear Sid: I hope you have had a good restful day and are as cool as we after the hot spell. Doris has sat all day over her chemistry book, knitting, and plans to do the same tomorrow. She is dreading med. exams and cramming for them out of all proportion. I have been cleaning the kitchen and this afternoon went up to paint Swan's Tavern and over to see Maude who was feeling squeamish. Bertha Upham was there. Doris and I have lugged all the old tin stuff from about the store house & shed out for collection. The storm blew down the sliding door of the back part of store house & we propped it up against the good part so the back entrance is stopped up. The old cat wants to be held tonight, - he is chilly!
Tues AM 48°!