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Stoughton, Mass.
2 Sept 1945.

Dear Sid:

My first card came back yesterday, and I endorse it now, together with another held for 3ยข postage at Arlington. I get your cards everyday, but fear mine aren't as regular, tho' we mail one everyday. Anyhow I hope no more will return. We are having the tail end of the Texas hurricane last night. It blew very hard all night, no rain, a hot muggy wind with low flying clouds. Probably you got the downpour yesterday or earlier. 

You will have today & Monday at home, I suppose. I hope you lie around and rest up from your week.  With Mon. & Sat gone and Thursday in town your next week shouldn't be too bad. 

Doris is hectically cramming, carrying a book around with her all the time. I don't believe it will be as bad as she thinks. She has gone thru her Chemistry book pretty well and is reviewing French vocab. & grammar.

I painted the bathroom yesterday afternoon. Doris did the ceiling before lunch. I mixed up a lovely Delft blue and put on the walls, trimming with pale ivory. It looks very well. We are going to paint a few kitchen chains to liven up the place & give my mother something fresh to look at this winter. And that will end our summer's labors. 

I would like to do a little outdoor painting this week if it is only sunny & nice weather. 

Doris is going to church today. I am roasting a piece of beef-- the first meat we've had since the chicken.