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Our ice man didn't come yesterday, and if this weather doesn't change in a hurry, we shan't be able to keep anything. Maybe he will work Sunday. I wish we had gotten a Frigidaire up here years ago. 

The water pipes are all fixed at the Bruce house. You will get the bill soon enough. 

We have been out to see Maud regularly & heard of her magnesium troubles as regularly. She is longing always to have those little boys come, and even had a bag of peas Bertha bought to take them, but they didn't come & the peas were spoiling. She even suggested we go up & try to rout them out last night, but considering my tiredness after painting I didn't. She is really very childish. I don't suppose she is much different from what she ever was, and this state just opens up her mental state without inhibitions. 

It is growing very dark-- maybe a shift in weather is coming. I'll give this to Doris to mail on her way to church. 
