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There was received from the U.S. Fish Commission in April, a very large and valuable collection of Marine Invertebrates, made by the steamer Albatross in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of the Southern Atlantic States, between January and April of this year. An account of the explorations of the Albatross during that time with a brief description of the materials obtained, is given elsewhere. The collection filled 775 packages, of which 21 were sixteen gallon tanks, and 4 barrels.  The fishes were transferred to Dr. Bean, and the mollusks to Mr. Dall, but by far the larger portion of the collection belonged to the department. It is impossible at present to describe its composition in detail, but an especial feature is a series of over four hundred specimens of stalked crinoids from off Havana, Cuba, representing four species.  The Echini have already been determined and contain five specimens of many species which have hitherto been poorly represented in the Museum collection.  Of the remaining groups of Echinoderms, and of Crustaceans, Anthozoa, and sponges, these are many specimens.

A small collection, consisting of 74 packages, was brought in by the Albatross in June, as the result of a short fishing cruise made to the edge of the Gulf Stream, off Cape Hatteras, N.C.  In regard to the Fish Commission collection received at Washington direct from the steamer, it should be explained that the number of packages cited gives no clue to [[strikethrough]] either [[/strikethrough]] the number either of species or specimens they contain, as the material is seldom sorted before reaching Washington, being generally transferred in bulk to the several receptacles from the dredge or trawl, or the sieves in which it has been washed.

Transcription Notes:
changed Albatorse > Albatross package > packages crinoids is correct, echini is correct