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From Prof. A.E. Verrill, New Haven, Conn., four boxes of determined marine invertebrates from the collections of the U.S. Fish Commission, worked up at New Haven. This accession contained 1107 packages in all, belonging to the following groups:

Mollusca      796 packages
Crustacea      83 packages
Holothurians    6 packages
Echini         12 packages
Starfishes    123 packages
Ophiurans      51 packages
Anthozoa       36 packages

The Mollusca were turned over to Mr. Dall.  The rest of the groups have been properly cared for, and the catalogue cards made out.  

From Dr. H. C. Yarrow, Washington, one alcoholic specimen of Crayfish, Cambarus, from Chapowamsii [[Chopawamsic]] Island, Prince William Co., Va.

From Mr. Silas Stearns, Pensacola, Fla., one dried specimen of Renilla, from 90 miles