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• Status
- Identified some cameras (and more sophisticated instruments); NASA has agreed to help students with design
- NASA has agreed to fly "KidSat" (more than once) on shuttle and to Mir. [May have to explain that Mir is old, Russian space station; cosmonauts there now; shuttle going to it next year]
- We're planning to fly something in early 1996
- Begun small teacher workshops (NSF funded) to begin curriculum work
- Background work: taking shuttle photos, putting into database, making them available for curriculum planning (e.g., > 1,200 photos of California)

• Envision (once camera is in orbit)
- Mission Control Center (staffed by K-12 students) that acts as a "gateway" to schools
- "Mission Operations Centers" in as many schools as desired [1 school given part of 1 orbit; they plan photos, etc.] send decisions to KidSat Mission Control; ability to "fly" through set of data

• We're just starting to spread the word and looking for interested teachers. Might begin involvement next summer (or later).