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Exploration From Space
By and For Kids

Johns Hopkins University/CIY
- Curriculum Development and Applications
- Program Evaluation
- Link to Education Public Policy
University of Nebraska
- KidDAAC - Data Archive and Access Center
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Instruments, Telepresence
- Mission Control
- Project Management
California Space Institute/UCSD
- Shuttle Photography
- Education Tools
- Student Mission Operations
Johnson Space Center
-Shuttle, Mir, Space Station

- To Capture the interest of many students through the human space program and maintain interest through Earth exploration with remote sensing
- To excite and motivate children to successfully complete their education
- To encourage higher expectations and individual pursuit of knowledge through the utilization of space technology

Key Components:
- Cameras and multispectral sensors utilizing existing flight qualified hardware 
- Telepresence with live data downlink/virtual reality through captured images
- Designed, built, operated, and data analyzed by students
- Coordinated educational curricula, lesson plans, resources, teacher training
- Applications in science, geography, art, history, exploration, environment, shop...
- Staged deployment on Shuttle, Mir, Space Station
- In-situ measurements for validation
- KidDAAC hold KidSat data and provides links to other space data