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1992 Space Requirements

I. Space Grant Program

[[3 column table]]

[[requirement]] | Office Space | sq. ft.

A. Faculty and Staff
State Director - Michael Wiskerchen | 1 | 140
Admin. Assnt - Terry McEntee | 1 | 100

B. Students
3 Graduate Students | 1 | 100
2 Undergraduate Students Laboratory | 1 | 100

C. Laboratory
Multimedia Curriculum Development Facility |  | 600

II Space Physics Programs

1. Planetary Astronomy and Asteroids

A. Faculty and Staff
Lucy McFadden - Sr. Professional Researcher (Leave of Absence - no req. this year)
Marina Formenkova-- Professional Researcher | 1 | 100
B. Students
2 Graduate Students | 1 | 100
C. Laboratory
Space science data analysis lab   400

2. Space Plasma Physics
A. Faculty and Staff
Vitali Sharpio-- Sr. Professional Researcher | 1 | 100
Valentin Shevchenko-- Sr. Professional Researcher | 1 | 140
Group Secretary | 1 | 100
B. Students
2 Graduate Students | 1 | 100
C. Laboratory
Space science data analysis lab     400
      1992 Total    |10|  2520