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University of California, San Diego
California Space Institute

[[5 column table]]

|Name|Source|Contact|Platform|Computer Location|

|Backroom Computer 
Command File Viewer- Verifies correct transmission of command file and cues operator for up- and downloads|Software Team|Jesse Keller|IBM/MS-DOS|JSC Backroom|
|KCA Interlace - Compliment to the KCA on-orbit.|KCA Group|Steve Schattlebauer|IBM/MS-DOS|JSC Backroom|
|Photo Interpolation Software - Takes raw data and turns it into a TIFF (or other) formal for transfer to UCSD|Kodak or ESC Group|Phylis Grounds|IBM/ MS-DOS|JSC Backroom|
|A/V Net Software - Manages the AV network in the KidSat Center|Vender||IMB/MS-DOS|KidSat Resource Center|
|Database Software - Interface to the photo database|Software Team|Phil Burgasser (TRIP)|UNIX|RC|
|Netscape Server - Provides outside access to the KidSat Information via the WWW|Netscape||Alpha Workstation|RC|
|Pilot Schools
MOSAIC?Netscape - Interface to image archives|NCSA or Netscape||Various|Schools|
Orbital Display/Mission Planning - Shareware, standalone program to plan missions for schools without Internet connectivity|Shareware||Various|Schools|

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