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Protect your kids
on the Net...

Sexually explicit material is on the Internet. 
Do you want your kids to see it?

SurfWatch helps you to decide. 

Currently there are more than 200 Internet newsgroups which contain sexually explicit material including erotica, bondage, fetishes, pornography, prostitution, and pedophilia. Sites on the World Wide Web contain pictures and written material depicting sexual situations. There has been no way to shield anyone from receiving this material, until now...


SurfWatch is a breakthrough software product which helps you deal with the flood of sexual material on the Internet. By allowing you to be responsible for blocking what is being received at any individual computer, children and others have less chance of accidentally or deliberately being exposed to unwanted material. SurfWatch is the first major advance in providing a technical solution to a difficult issue created by the explosion of technology. SurfWatch strives to preserve internet freedom by letting individuals choose what they see. 

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