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National Aeronautics and                         
Space Administration

George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama 35812

Reply to Attn of JA61-95(283) 

[[stamped]] AUG 21 1995 [[/stamped]]

TO:  Distribution

FROM: JA64/Lowell E. Primm

SUBJECT: Minutes for the EXPRESS Pallet Ground Demonstration Baseline Design Review

The EXPRESS Pallet Baseline Design Review (BDR) for the ground demonstration program was held on July 20, 1995 at MSFC. The meeting was well attended, with representation from NASA Headquarters, NASA Centers, European Space Agency (ESA), Canadian Space Agency, Department of Defense, MSFC Chief Engineer's Office and engineering disciplines, and the Boeing team.

The meeting opened with welcoming remarks by Richard Marmann, Manager, Payloads Project Office, MSFC. A brief overview of the EXPRESS Pallet and programmatic requirements for the ground demonstration activities was presented by Lowell Primm. Jim Schaffer, Boeing, presented the objectives of the ground demonstrations, including hardware/software configurations and processes, operations, defining "standard" Pallet accommodations, and strengthening the ISSA attached payload community. A systems overview was presented by Brad McCall, Boeing, including configurations, functions, components, and test/support equipment to be utilized. Jim Charles, Boeing, followed with a detailed briefing on the Pallet and Adapter structure, attachment and connector drive mechanisms, and mock-up construction. Following this discussion, Brad McCall presented the power and data systems, and Vance Davis, Boeing, present the software capabilities.

The afternoon session was opened with a discussion on KSC operations and integration by Chuong Nguyen (KSC), and Jim Scheib (SSPO) presented a brief overview of the current ISSA documentation tree and a standard integration timeline. These topics were not related directly to the ground demonstration program, but were introduced as updated information to members of the Pallet Analysis and Integration Team (AIT).