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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the KidSat Project Office plan to launch and operate in orbit a KidSat payload using the Space Shuttle. The KidSat will fly as a complex secondary payload, i.e., the payload exceeds the standard middeck accommodations as called out in the SIP or middeck IDD.


The responsibility for assuring the definition, control, implementation, and accomplishment of the activities in this document for the SSP is vested with the Space Shuttle Program Office at the NASA JSC and for KidSat with the KidSat Project Office at JPL. Hereafter in this PIP, the KidSat Project Office will be referred to as the customer and the KidSat payload will be referred to as the payload.


The PIP is based on the middeck payload Standard Integration Plan (SIP). All management roles and responsibilities and agreements between all parties as delineated in the Middeck Payload SIP are applicable unless specifically noted below. These standard agreements extend to all aspects of flight operations and ground processing associated with the KidSat payload. The version of the Middeck Payload SIP applicable to S/MM-03 is NSTS-21000-SIP-MDK, Revision B, PCN #20.


The PIP, PIP Annexes, and the Middeck Payload SIP provide the data necessary to configure the vehicle and perform the payload operations. The sections in this PIP contain requirements unique to the KidSat on the STS-76 mission and are numbered to correspond to the same sections of the Middeck Payload SIP. The following interface control document (ICD) controls the Orbiter/middeck payload interfaces for this payload: ICD-A-21332

3.0 Payload Description

The KidSat payload plans to conduct Earth observations using the Electronic Still Camera (ESC) installed in the overhead window of the aft flight deck. The KidSat payload will use the ESC, version 2 as developed by the NASA JSC, a PGSC (IBM Thinkpad 755C) mounted in an expansion chassis containing Ku-Com Adaptor and PCMCIA/Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) cards with integral cable. The ESC will be bracket mounted to the overhead window facing nadir to image various student selected sites on the Earth during the pre-dock and post-dock portions of the mission.

The KidSat configuration is shown in figure 3-1.

KIDSAT               1              04/20/95