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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections. Payload Attitude Requirements: The attitude desired for nominal KidSat operations is (Orbiter Body-axis System): -ZLV.  A roll angle of up to 20 deg (in a direction which points the bracket window closer to nadir) is acceptable. Payload Pointing Requirements: The pointing requirements of the KidSat experiment during image acquisition are as follows: Camera field of view (FOV) requirement is TBD #3. Photographic Coverage: The TV coverage of the camera mounting and dismounting is highly desirable. KidSat requested CTVC coverage will be provided on a non-interference basis.  [Control] on the CTVC system will be by the MCC, but requests for specific coverage by KidSat will be accommodated if possible.  Downlink of the ESC files and VTR operations will also be controlled by the MCC and based on KidSat requests.

Requirements for SSP-provided TV and photographic equipment, film, and video tape cassettes are as specified in section 7.1 of this PIP. Availability of video tape cassettes from the standard Orbiter complement for this flight will be assessed by the SSP and items which cannot be allocated to the payload from this complement will be identified to the customer as requiring additional stowage. Items in excess of the standard complement, which are to be stowed in the Orbiter middeck, will be defined in the Orbiter Crew Compartment Annex, Annex 6. These items will be chargeable to the payload-allocated stowage volume and weight and will be non-standard service.


The aft flight deck installed payload items much be compatible with the Space Shuttle mechanical, electrical, avionics, and environmental interfaces as defined in the Interface Control Document, ICD A-21332.

5.1 Structural/Mechanical Interfaces

The structural/mechanical interface between the ESC and orbiter window is TBD #4.

The Ku-Com Adapter, which will provide communication between the Mission Control Center and the KidSat payload, will require a Unique/nonstandard payload-to-Orbiter interfaces for this mission.

5.1.1 Stowage Requirements:  The SSP will provide TBD #5 Orbiter middeck locker equivalents for the stowage of payload mission equipment. This includes the overhead bracket, VTR tapes, space PGSC hard drives, and ESC lens and filters.

KIDSAT         5              04/20/95