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UCSD KidSat Rolodex

Organized by Team

Click on any blue email address to send a message there. 

UCSD KidSat (entire list):

The format for each of the teams is as follows: team email, which goes to everyone on that team, is listed at the top of each one. Teams are separated by a rule line. Every blue email address is a mailto URL, meaning that if you click on it, you can send mail to that address.


[[3 column table]]

|Mr. Paul Andres|JPL||
|Dr. James Arnold|Project Advisor||
|Ms. Karen Flammer|ECE Staff||
|Ms. Lynne Kenney|Administrative Asst.||
|Mr. Kevin Landel|Mentor from SDSC||
|Ms. Terry McEntee|Administrative Asst.||
|Mr. Fred Peters|Project Advisor||
|Mr. Len Pincus|Mentor TW (retired)|\
|Dr. Sally Ride|Project Advisor||
|Mr. Jay Shen|System Administrator||
|Dr. Michael Wiskerchen|Project Advisor||

Command & Data:
[[3 column table]]

|Mr. David Ball|SV link||
|Mr. Steve Carnes|Manager||
|Mr. Michael Fischer|Infra. link||
|Ms. Jacqueline Luk|MCG link||
|Ms. Marianne Mata|Mgmt||
|Mr. Justin Moresco|S/W link||

[[3 column table]]

|Ms. Debbie Barker|Teacher| |
|Mr. Patrick Connolly| ||
|Ms. Hilary Haugen|Manager||
|Mr. Tom Nusser| ||
|Mr. Ron Reese| ||
|Dr. Randall Souviney|Advisor (TEP)||

[[3 column table]]

|Mr. Gabino Baltazar|Video Interface||