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Fred Peters,9/16/95 3:18 PM,950916 KidSat Status Report  1

Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 1995 08:18:45 -0700
To:, (Larry Shaw),, "Bobola, Robert" ,, (Al Burgasser,), (John Aaron), (Reesa Edwards), (Frank Owens)

From: (Fred Peters)
Subject: 98016 KidSat Status Report

The Mission Operations CDR was held on September 8 at UCSD. This CDR was structured in accordance with the process generally followed by JSC so the student team would learn and understand how and why this is done.  A data package was prepared, distributed, reviewed, RID's written, a pre-board convened to screen the RID' and a board established for the final review.  Approximately 300 RID's were written against the data package, which consisted of several documents of baselining. The board consisted of individuals from JSC, JPL, and a Superintendent of a very large California School District.  The data package preparation and presentations were all done by ucsd students on the mission operations team.  RID's were written and transmitted using Internet.  The CDR lasted all day and was well received.  Using the student complaints relative to the paperwork required for a CDR, which are the same that have always been voiced even by NASA, as a basis for evaluation the CDR was a great success.  They understand the design convergence process.  Future reviews will be opened up to student creativity, now that they know how and why we hold reviews like this. I think the next reviews will be considerably different and a lot better.  There are already student discussions of how they can do it better next time!

Baselining and configuration management, which will begin next week, is next on the learning curve. A change board is being formed to control the baselines, and should generate as much discussion as the CDR.

The results of the mission operations CDR were presented at the KidSat Project CDR on September 15 at JPL. Once again, all the presentations were made by ucsd students, and all the questions from the JPL board were fielded by them very well.  All elements of the KidSat project were reviewed. 

The mission control gateway complex is almost complete.  Furniture will be purchased from SteelCase, at a very favorable university discount, for the Control Center, conference room, and back room. Evans will provide the consoles, which are the same as those in the new MCC.  The only remaining large item for the complex is the video system which is being discussed with a supplier. 

Frederick Peters