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[[Header]] Gabino Baltazar,5/19/95 4:55 PM,Friday 5/19 Minutes 1 [[/Header]]
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Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 16:55:54 -0800
From: (Gabino Baltazar)
Subject: Friday 5/19 Minutes

Here Are The Minutes for care of Gabino Baltazar
Meeting 5-19-95

Introductions by all

*  meeting with contractor (Subhash) made a few field changes but all parts have been ordered and all is ready. construction has started. 

*  Meeting on wed afternoon 5-17 with SDSC. They will give us 50 gigabits of storage space that we will be given to use.

Mission Control Gate Way
*  Mike Baine was not here so no Info.

Command and Data
*  Sent questions to John Baker about think pad and camera, waiting for trade study about how many pictures we can take. Looking at about two thousand pictures for two days ruff [[rough]] estimate with vague consternates.

Educational Interface
Sally Ride
*  Kathy Rackely, teacher at North Carolina middle school came to visit with interest in what we are doing here. Obtained a good idea of mission scenario and what is going on. Cleared up miss conceptions [[misconceptions]] she had about the program.  All teachers getting together at JPL to talk about the curriculum and mission scenarios. Expect questions from teachers for next week

Software Team
*  Finalizing summer plans and we have received hard drive. Spoke with Kathy Rackely and Carrol Temple and gave suggestions about interfaces and other such needs.
*  Dr. Wiskerchen potential emergency
Committee that does scheduling and stowage at JSC that deals with when they take things out and set up.  They decided only to give us 24 hrs [[hours]] of operations. Fred Peters is calling up some people and trying to find out what is going on and Sally Ride expect that we are not in such a bad situation and that it will probably change. 
*   Dr. Wiskerchen congratulates us on a good review and has received good feed back form others. Went to talk in Washington and received input on how important students are to playing a significant role on planning and supporting the missions. Sally Ride mentions that she has also received feed back that we have done a great job and was impressed with our work.  For any one who has not seen Dr. Wiskerchen. See him about 23-24 people will be hired for summer in 2 weeks segments. We want to make it available to take 2 weeks off for vacation. He asks that everyone come in and bring schedule telling when your [[you're]] interested in taking a vacation. We will be paid through Academic Enrichment as a scholarship. So if anyone is unclear than speak with DR Wiskershen.
*  Jesse Keller says that the meeting will now be held at a new location on second floor of this building and will be held in a conference room.
* Dr. Wiskershen says disappearance says that it is causing him a lot of grief. We have to be mindful of security

Dan Cunningham Formal security policy in works
*  Combo for lock limited to regular users few allowed to have combo.
Change codes much more often than before.
*  Will have a locked cabinet were disks and media equipment will be held, with a formal check out procedure.
*  Looking into lock down techniques to tie down some of the machines and other equipment.
*  Not proping [[propping]] door open, bang on door for entrence [[entrance]] if no one opens sorry your [[you're]] out of luck.

Mangment [[Management]] Team
*  PPDR went well. Getting ready for PDR trying to put together booklet that maintains mission scenario in an understandable format that we can hopefully substitute that for some of the other paper work that is requested. Preparing agenda for PDR presentation will be shorter than last one students will be making presentation. 

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