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Gabino Baltazar, 5/19/95 4:55 PM, Friday 5/19 Minutes 2
* PDR will be at JPL but we may be able to do it over teleconferencing to accommodate students. 
* Slight restructuring of teams because we want a formal stucture

Action Items
Modemed in list to Pacer Share. Will post hard copy.
1 Determine annexes need to send to JPL
2. Straighten out security. Dan Cunningham says that it is being worked on.
3. Dr. Wiskershen finalize copy statement of work. Should cover work called described under NASA proposal.
4. Define quality insurance for systems team
5. Create list of commercial and in-house soft ware. Jesse Keller says that he is working on it.
6. Decide on document review w / update system
7. Contact JSC about reducing documentation
8. Create SMOC specific equipment list of what they will need to function.
9. Send out copy of draft PDR agenda
10. Encourage team reps. to go to Tep. meetings.
11. Talk to Dr. Wiskershen about schedules over summer
Meeting adjourned

Adam Burgasser 

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