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Dirck Schilling,5/5/95  10:53  PM,Friday Meeting Minutes
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 14:53:56 -0800
From: dschilli@USCD.EDU (Dirck Schilling)
Subject: Friday meeting Minutes

Hi Team!

Here are the meeting minutes from Friday, May 5. Many thanks to Hillary Haugen for preparing them!

As requested, the minutes are now available both as a word 5.1 document and as text, below.


Advisors    1:27 Dr. Wiskerchen
    Won NSF project for Visualizing earth from Space.
    Dr. Ride working on project with TEP Turk, Cambridge Mass, San Diego State
    2.4M$ proposal

    Need to make decisions about networking - imperative to have program plan by weekend
        -team leaders to meet after this meeting
        -document sign-off required by Monday morning

    Jay Shen is now half time staff for system administrator.
        - He will meticulously plan how operation works
           *root passwords
          *backup strategy
        -We need to help Jay get this in order

Every Wednesday morning we will have a CalSpace staff meeting

Decision made about PC's
        - Will give computers away contingent on deal
        - IBM to replace with 20 Multi-media powerbooks
        - We will also get 20 Power PC's
        - Four IBM Think Pads
        - Tracy School district will get PC's

Don't bother Dr. Wiskerchen with question like what color light switches we want

Management Team    1:10 Cliff/Dirk
   Working on Functional Definitions for mission scenario. Give them to Kris L. They're needed
for                              requirements doc.
What format should they be in?
Any ?'s see Kris L.
    Updated Mission Scenario will be posted outside CRB 313.
    Organizing project documentation.
    Planning agenda for Preliminary Preliminary design review
        Scheduled for Saturday, May 13. 9:00-5:00 EBU 496
        Each team will present. PDR is May 24.
     Start Top Ten List of project issues. New Action Item list.

Education Interface Team 1:20 Hilary
   Held meeting with Souviney to:
      Improve project communication
      How to get students access during summer
      Want to get teachers needs
      Next meeting Friday May 12. 3:00. DON'T FORGET!
   Joy Holmes, Cathy Rackely will visit UCSD MCG 5/18
       - some of you will be asked to make small presentation
   Logo candidates number 4 and 5 got the most review

Scientific Visualization Team 1:37 Nathan
    WWW page development for Earth Rise
    Working w/ students at La Jolla Country Day- Netscape up and running
    Near term goals - Delivery due to Johns Hopkins
    Requesting more flight shuttle photos from JSC
Printed for (Sally K. Ride)