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KidSat  Meeting Minutes 

Mike Baine- A weekly engineering meeting between all the teams is needed in order to improve interteam communication. Teams need to integrate information so that time is not wasted working on duplicate products, i.e. s/w and code writing. 

A one hour engineering meeting proposed. Group discussion for first 1/2 hour, then break into respective teams for discussion for the second 1/2 hour.
3:15 General discussion of the engineering meeting proposal. Following the ideas mentioned/weighed:
     * Possibility of splitting Friday meetings into 2 meetings: 1 hour general info, then 1 hour engineering. Idea rejected because time immediately after the general meeting is useful as networking time. 
     * Compress Friday meetings more. General agreement that current length (2 hours) is too long. 
     * Dr. Wiskerchen: meetings should be limited to 1 hour and run crisply according to a strict agenda. 
     * Possibility of adding an engineering meeting on Wednesday. Rejected in favor of next proposal:
     * Modify Monday morning (team leaders) meeting into more of a nuts and bolts meeting to handle engineering interchange between teams. 

3:31 Vote is taken and the following decisions approved:
 * Friday Meetings: shortened to 2-3 pm. Will be run at a rapid clip according to a strict agenda.
 * Monday Meetings (8-9 am): Redefined as technical interchange between teams. Team leader attendance required, but meetings are always open to all KidSat team members. Those involved in specific issues to be discussed should attend. 
Team leaders have the authority to indicate to any participant when she/he has talked too long. 

3:32 Dr. Wiskerchen - documents for the facilities have been signed off

Closing statements

 Palmdale trip - get SS# to Dirck after meeting to see the shuttle orbiter on March 11, 95
 Jesse - volunteered to organize the KidSat information/recruitment meeting on Wednesday, 15 Mar 95.
 Friday meetings shortened to 2-3 pm.
 Monday morning meeting redefined as technical interchange between teams. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting and give input.

3:34 Meeting adjourned

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