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KidSat     Meeting Summary

Kidsat Meeting Summary, 2/17/95

Multimedia Presentation

A multimedia presentation of the KidSat project was prepared by Dr. Ride, Sue Adornato (Office of Learning Research), and Jesse Keller and was shown to the UC Regents during their visit. The presentation combined slides, animations and video clips to illustrate the full scope of the KidSat project. It is available at Calspace for showing at future visits, meetings etc.

Information Updates

Overall   M. Wiskerchen

• Be careful to keep ALL team leaders informed of any activities above a detail level. Use proper channels when communicating with outside agencies, i.e. pass through C. Phillips or D. Schilling.

• Keep meetings crisp, always have an agenda. Length: 1hr or less.

• Write down full list of items needed for an optimal configuration for the KidSat network and facility, for presentation to UCSD providers. List to be completed by: Wed 2/22/95

Mgmt.   Clifton Phillips, Dirck Shilling

• Program Plan: Teams need to supply their pieces (PERT charts) by Fri 2/24/95

• Requirements: Teams need to supply detailed lists of reqm'ts to Dirck Schilling by Wed. March 1.

• TIM (Technical Interchange Meeting) is now scheduled for Thur 2/23/95 and Fri 2/24/95. Agenda: see mail being circulated. Regular Friday meeting will be folded into the TIM.

• Dry run for TIM: Wed 2/22/95, time TBA.

S V   Jennifer Stevens

• Investigating database software from TRIP Systems International, Inc. with capability for responding to HTML forms. Contact: Adam's Dad. (Mr. Burgasser)

PDI   Steve Carnes

• Ongoing contact with Phyllis Grounds/JSC Scientific Visualization, r.e. standards, manuals, reqm'ts (PCMCIA, TIFF).

• Developing contacts to San Diego Supercomputing Center. Mike Bailey of SDSC has offered support, e.g. for terabyte database. Interested in providing database for files > 4 Mb. Working contact: Todd Elvins.

D. Schilling/February 22, 1995                    Page 1