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Lake Poopo and Lake Uru Uru

Lake Poopo (1) and Uru Uru (2) are shown in this low-oblique, northeast-looking view. Lake Poopo, a large salt lake with an area of over 2500 km2, is located south of the city of Oruro, at an altitude of 3355 meters. the size, shape, and color of the lake changes with the seasons, though the depth averages a little over 3 meters. Lake Uru Uru feeds Lake Poopo from the north with melt water from snows in the Alachas Mountains to the east, covered in this view by clouds. The lake level fluctuates greatly. In 1994, Lake Poopo completely dried up. (STS032-96-098)

Lake Uru Uru/Alachas Mountains

This scene gives a closer view of Lake Uru Uru and the stream connecting to Lake Poopo at the bottom center of the view. The Alachas Mountains can be seen covering most of the right portion of the photograph. The city of Oruro, Bolivia (1), is barely visible under the shadow of a cloud. Oruro, with a population in excess of 125 000, sits at an altitude of 3700 meters and is a leading center for silver, copper, and tin mining in the region. (STS026-40-65)
