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High Peaks, Glaciers and Lakes

This view looking southeast and taken with the 250 m m lens shows melting glaciers from the high Southern Andes with peaks as high as 3 600 m feeding Lake Argentina (1). Other tongues of glaciers flow down U-shaped valleys on the Western side of the high peaks. The great plain of Patagonia can be seen in the upper portion of the photograph. (STS61A-32-076)

Lakes of the High Andes

Another spectacular view of glaciers feeding Lake Viedma (1) and San Martin (2), also shows Mount Fitzroy, at an elevation of 3 375 meters (3). A portion of Lake Cardiel (4) out on the Patagonia Plains is visible. Also note the Santa Cruz River (5) as it flows to the Atlantic from Lake Argentina. Some of these large, high Andean lakes drain east to the Atlantic, others drain west to the Pacific. (STS61A-32-075)
