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Vale of Kashmir

This oblique northeast-looking view shows the mountainous Vale of Kashmir and the peaks of the rugged Karakoram Range. The valley, perched at an elevation of 1600 meters, is 135 km long and 32 km wide. Mountain peaks surrounding the valley range from 3600 to over 4900 meters. The Jhelum River meanders through the heart of the valley. Fertile alluvial soil of the valley floor produces rich yields of rice, corn, fruits, and vegetables. Once a large shallow lake, the valley today is fed by meltwater from snow on the surrounding peaks. (STS009-49-2272)

The Pamirs

The Pamirs are visible in this oblique east-looking view. Lake Karakol (1) is visible toward the upper center of the view. The Vokhsh River Valley (2) can be seen as the river flows southeastward and meets the Amu Dar'ya River at the bottom left of the view. The Pamirs form a geologic structural knot from which the great Tien Shan, Karakorum, Kunlun, and Hindu Kush Mountain systems radiate The Pamirs are snow-capped throughout the year with many peaks rising to over 6100 meters. (S17-41-104)