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CONTINGENT   Shift Assignments    Scheduled launch

SHIFT#       31         Chief:  Geoff Simonds
                             Front Room Team
| Comm | School | Cloud | Orbits | MOos | Payloads | Shuttle | Images  |
| Kevin Burke | Katie | | Elisa Quintana | Hilary Haugen | Alex Black | Brooke K. | Garret K. |

| | | | Sara | | Jessica Rose | | |

                             Back Room Team
| | Chris Marshall | Larissa Abello | Tony Gibbons | Josh Tallman | | Kathy Johnson | |

SHIFT#  32              Chief:  Bran Talbot
                              Front Room Team
| Comm | School | Cloud | Orbits | MOos | Payloads | Shuttle | Images  |
| Kari Goulard | | | Barak | Nelson Yang | Jeff Pederson | Gavino Baltazar | Catherine You |

| | | | | | | Danielle Hitchin | |

                             Back Room Team
| | Estela Bianco | Mike Lemons | Michelle Fellows | Rachel Moore | | David Frings | |

Created by RLevin                                  Created 3/13/96
Revised by AWarner        Page 11 of 11            Revised 1/3/97