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Alex the \"A\" man black,1/30/97 4:20 AM,debrief minutes 2

The flight software needs to overwrite the ccfs so that no more accidental bad night photos sneak into ccfs when they shouldn't be there.

The people at JSC really got a good idea of what was going on with kidsat.
Need to work on transaction sheets a little.....The KU requests forms were basically useless because.
It would be better if we had a dedicated camera and thinkpad. (Crew recommended that as well). Human error was a big problem when we shared a computer with the flight crew.. so a dedicated machine would help.
JSC reps should write up a brief synopsis of how they communicated with the OCA officers. 
Having guy who wrote the camera was down during predock. 
It takes a surprisingly long time for flight notes to get processed... perhaps a better method? 
The people at JSC were surprised that we didn't know what seems like obvious information, such as how many pictures we took until something like 2 hours later.

Note: it may not be possible to streamline the flight note procedures.

If any one has any ideas for things for cloud to do... tell Brooke. 
Was it usefull to put triangles for each picture on the timeline? 
It would be nice to put the pictures planned to be taken on the orbit map (for the upcoming orbit).

note: in general High School people were helpfull. But a lot of them needed a little more practice and more training. They should attend a coupld more simms so that they have more experience and know whats going on.

The extra mac helped a lot. 
Howver, updating the web pages takes too long. Fortunatley, this mission it wasn't necessary (?), but should it be, it would take a very long time. Perhaps there is some automation which can releive this. 
Nasa's orbit numbers can be different than the ones on stk, so people should check the web page against the printed orbital tracks.

There were a lot less problems with the software this mission than last. The self healing software was cool :). If things continue to improve at this rate, sysops could be replaced by some sort of automated cut out for next mission.

if anyone wants a copy of Jessica's group picture, talk to her.

Betsy was really great. She kept school up to date on what was happening with the schools. 
Also, for  next mission School could talk to cloud about cloudiness of pictures (?)

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